The ticket is valid for one entry only.

Buying a ticket is also acceptance of the event rules.

Compliance with the rules is monitored by the organisers.

The organizers reserve the right of admission! Persons under the influence of alcohol or drugs will not be admitted.

Everyone must visit the event at their own risk.

The organisers cannot be held responsible for any damage caused by the irresponsible behaviour of participants!

A rendezvény területére petárdát vagy bármiféle pirotechnikai eszközt, szúró-, ütő-, vágóeszközt, fegyvert, közbiztonságra veszélyes eszközt, üveget, bármilyen palackot, alkoholt, kábítószert, festékszóró kannát, alkoholos filctollat behozni szigorúan tilos!

We are not able to return confiscated items.

The event is equipped with high-powered sound and lighting equipment, which may cause permanent damage to health, and the organisers cannot be held liable for any damage resulting from such equipment!

Please protect your hearing!

For your own safety, please do not attend the event if you are prone to epilepsy!

Tickets are not refundable, tickets can only be sold at the price indicated on the ticket!

Age-restricted events are only open to visitors with a valid identity document. Tickets for under-age ticket buyers will not be refunded.

The event will be video and audio recorded. All participants who appear on the recordings can only be named with their consent, but cannot make any claims against the organisers, the maker of the recording or its legitimate users.

It is strictly forbidden to carry out any advertising activities at the event or in its vicinity without the written permission of the organisers.

The organisers will take legal action against those who carry out or contribute to these activities, as well as against the club or agency that commissioned them!

We reserve the right to change the programme.

Please look after yourselves and each other.

Please arrive early for a quick and safe entry to the event!

Have a great time on our event!

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